4MP Insurance

It is my mission to help my clients manage the risks of everyday life by providing them with the best service and the best coverage, at the best possible price.


Check out a list of the services I offer below.
Health Insurance
Medicare Advantage, Supplement, & PDP
Life Insurance
Group Insurance
Property & Casualty

I care about you and your insurance needs

It is my mission to help my clients manage the risks of everyday life by providing them with the best service and the best coverage, at the best possible price.


Welcome to Senior Benefits Center

I'm Your Personal Agent

Propietario y Agente
Manuel Mercado Paredes

Mi nombre es Manuel Mercado Paredes y soy Agente de seguros de Salud y Vida, mi misión es protegerte a ti y a tus seres queridos ante cualquier eventualidad, estoy capacitado para asesorarte en la elección de la póliza que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades.
Te invito a que me contactes para agendar una cita y hablar sobre tus opciones.
¡Estoy seguro de que puedo ayudarte a encontrar el seguro perfecto para ti.
Trabajo con proveedores de seguros con calificación A+ y puedo ofrecer cobertura de seguro que satisfará sus necesidades y le permitirá ahorrar dinero. Con sede en Orlando-Florida. Soy un agente de seguros independiente con licencia para representar productos en Florida, Georgia, North carolina, South carolina, Virginia, Texas, Mississippi, Tennesse, Ohio, Illinois y espero trabajar con usted.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en llamarme, Té invito a que me contactes para agendar una cita y hablar sobre tus opciones.
¡Estoy seguro de que puedo ayudarte a encontrar el seguro perfecto para ti y comenzar el proceso de brindarle a su familia la tranquilidad que brinda estar protegido.

Agent & Owner
Manuel Mercado Paredes

My name is Manuel Mercado Paredes and I am a Health and Life Insurance Agent, my mission is to protect you and your loved ones against any eventuality, I am qualified to advise you on choosing the policy that best suits your needs.
I invite you to contact me to schedule an appointment and discuss your options.
I'm sure I can help you find the perfect insurance for you.
I work with A+ rated insurance providers and can offer insurance coverage that will meet your needs and save you money. Based in Orlando-Florida. I am an independent insurance agent licensed to represent products in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois and I look forward to working with you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. I invite you to contact me to schedule an appointment to discuss your options.
I'm sure I can help you find the perfect insurance for you and begin the process of giving your family the peace of mind that comes with being protected.

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